Saturday, May 21, 2011

Big mistake made Quality Coffee Luwak Decreases

In addition to mass Luwak coffee hunt by searching in the woods, there are also shelters animals to get coffee mongoose mongoose mongoose animal catches earlier in the woods eating berries coffee fruit that is dark red color, its fantastic  business Luwak coffee when compared to regular coffee because the price that interlock so far. Coffee can in the international market of Rp 11,500 to Rp. Perkilo 13,000 civet coffee while the cheapest on the market USD. 500,000 to Rp. 1 million compare to the average raw or green bean seeds. 

Prices Civet coffee  are so expensive and demand is so high in the coffee market makes employers think naughty to reap greater profits by :1. Mixing coffee can with Luwak coffee and sell it for the same price as pure civet coffee. 2. Stating their civet coffee is coffee that comes from mongoose in the forest but they are able to produce coffee with a stable monthly it really does not make sense because wild civet coffee is coffee mongoose obtained through searches in the forests or in plantations of coffee it will not make us guarantee a production capacity of civet coffee because the coffee we produce will not be sure each day. 3. Stating their wild civet coffee Arabica coffee manifold whereas wild civet coffee is coffee mongoose in the can in the wild and we would not know what kind of coffee at the meal by animal mongoose because it did not rule on every farm there are different kinds of coffee, there are still many another business that is unhealthy tricks will we meet.
Black Pearl Luwak coffee is such a luxury because there is only the classy café in luxury mall in the world and in some countries Luwak coffee is the drink that could only be drunk by the wealthy because the price is so expensive percangkir reach between 50 dollars to 150 American dollar.

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READ MORE - Big mistake made Quality Coffee Luwak Decreases

Why Coffee Luwak is Very Valuable ?

 CIVET COFFEE found In 1830, by the Dutch-owned coffee plantation workers. and began to widely known since as the most lavish gifts on those days. 

Strong coffee aroma and taste of coffee that was so soft as to make Coffee Luwak coffee from time to time idol, so step Luwak coffee and so on can be difficult because the civet coffee is coffee that comes from animal waste called mongoose or Paradoxorus hermaproditus.
Luwak coffee is like treasures formerly always in hurry by coffee lovers they must get out into the coffee plantations in convincing many of the animal mongoose, some are deliberately go into the forest to get some lumps this animal waste containing coffee beans.
Mongoose animal life in forests and wilderness full of the resources were in the form of fruits, animals that are smaller than him, such as chickens, ducks and others. Mongoose animal is wild animals are active at night and always hide when met with something they did not recognize, including humans.
Difficult and rare find in the market make Luwak coffee became the most expensive coffee in the world and number 2 most expensive foods in the world according to Forbes magazine, formerly average monthly Luwak coffee just as much as 100 kilos to 200 kilos in circulation in the International market.
More and more demand for civet coffee from the international community to make the Indonesian government through the Indonesian state-owned plantation companies do this mongoose animal breeding to meet the demand from outside the State but they were only able to not more than 1 ton per month.
Difficult to get civet coffee in the world making coffee entrepreneurs from various countries directly looking into the various regions in Indonesia, so it makes the coffee farmers and local residents in the area of ​​forest plantations and there are many coffee plantations began to hunt down the mass Luwak coffee.

 source : and picture from 
READ MORE - Why Coffee Luwak is Very Valuable ?

Top Coffee

If you also true coffee lovers like me? I think yes because otherwise you will not get into my site, here I''ll make a story about a mongoose coffee best coffee in the world.

little about civet coffee, civet coffee is coffee that is not plucked from coffee trees or taken from the coffee fruit that falls from the tree. but the civet coffee is coffee that is eaten by animals weasel who is lately also called civet coffee beans when eaten in the stomach mongoose will not be destroyed by stomach mongoose is unable to crush the coffee beans but beans are experiencing a process called fermentation .
in this fermentation process of protein content in coffee beans will be reduced and fat content will increase because the fermentation has been reduced some substance in coffee beans by enzymes and bacteria in the stomach luwak.setelah this process is completed within approximately 28 hours the coffee beans that can not be destroyed it will come out through the elongated round exhaust mongoose which largely contain coffee beans and called Luwak coffee.

mongoose is an animal that lived in the forest away from the hustle and active at night. mongoose animal at night is getting aggressive because when the night eye of this animal is becoming hard to see prey or food into their daily meal. besides eating the fruit in the forest of animals is also often convenient to eat animals such as snails, rats and rabbits. coffee fruit that is eaten in the woods can various types of coffee from the coffee forests, coffee arabica, coffee robusta coffee and other species they could find and removed through the exhaust in the form of chunks and often called civet coffee.

Luwak coffee is busy talking on the whole world becomes a coffee gossip because a lot of talk in terms of taste to fear to drink it. Luwak coffee safe to drink by anyone because the coffee beans in the stomach can not be destroyed and mongoose terlindungin by ari a strong membrane.

Luwak coffee consumption safe by anyone who wants to drink it because the levels of protein, tamarind and a very low caffeine after fermented by the substance in the stomach mongoose. we need not fear to enjoy the best coffee in the world because safe for consumption by anyone.

civet coffee is coffee that is sought after by fans in the world coffee, civet coffee yore very hard to come by because we have to go into the forest to get a few chunks of this coffee. Civet coffee is now sold in the market has been crowded public especially in Indonesia either through online or in the cafes in the mall. Luwak coffee became the most expensive coffee in the world because taste is so delicious with the aroma of coffee is very steady, the effects of expensive and many fans of this coffee makes a lot of narrow minded people to profit as much by way of making coffee mongoose is not genuine or mixed with regular coffee. anything more is not better place and sold at major malls in Indonesia with the trick trade so use all means regular coffee brand given mongoose and sold for only Rp. 8000 per bag of 200 grams.

maybe here are some tips for civet coffee we know if it''s real or not because we will not be able to tell from just the price alone is expensive, maybe the beginning we need to know:

* Luwak coffee producers have farms mongoose are correct or not.
* This Luwak coffee producers have coffee plantations or not.
* Luwak coffee producers are willing to invite us to know them or not civet farms.
* Do not easily believe that this Luwak Coffee Luwak coffee wild due to cover the weaknesses of these false Luwak coffee thing so often called, as a comparison of a wild civet coffee is not easy to find because it is situated in the woods or in the vast coffee plantations and the number of wild civet coffee will not be a lot like cattle Luwak coffee.
* Last try before you buy it in advance to.

I hope these tips useful but not all sellers of wild civet coffee is coffee false mongoose wild civet coffee just will not be on sale with a number of very much and wild civet coffee we will not know the type of coffee.

Here we can refer to you for civet coffee that you can trust their authenticity, while we refer chenung Luwak coffee because the process will be undertaken in accordance with existing standards, you will get a sample for free and anyone can mengunjungin plantations and their captive mongoose in Lampung. you just call the contact person that is in running tesk on this.

Source: this web
READ MORE - Top Coffee

Chenung Coffee Luwak is The Best Quality Coffee

CheNung Civet Coffee is type coffee robusta processed from the options that are picked directly from the fruits of robusta coffee tree has a red-black coffee.earlier in the meal by mongoose.
Average of all our livestock animal mongoose got fruit coffee per day as much as 3 kg. Before we feed the animal mongoose in our captivity, we first wash so that the chemicals of pesticides lost from the fruit of the coffee and our coffee soak in clean water to see again if there is not yet ripe coffee or ugly or damaged fruit, with the characteristics when the fruit is not ripe or rotten fruit, the coffee is not submerged or floating on the water.

From 3 kg of coffee per day of fruits that we have not turned out to wash and sort all of this mongoose to eat the animal. Apparently the animal mongoose does have an instinct to choose a fruit that is very sharp which average only 300 to 500 grams is eaten by animals this mongoose.

We never impose our mongoose animals eat the coffee fruit that is not their own choice. While many other farms use a diet that forces or by the previous feeding bananas first coffee beans that have been inserted they peel the fruit or the same thing also happened when they were fed papaya fruit.

This all can be viewed from civet coffee lump which occurs when a pattern of coercion in animal mongoose eat as much as 30% to 50% chunk of civet coffee will have the coffee fruit is still young or black. Chenung coffee Luwak guarantee every chunk of our 100% Luwak coffee dark coffee.

Source: this web
READ MORE - Chenung Coffee Luwak is The Best Quality Coffee

Coffee Robusta

Robusta coffee is the type of coffee that usually grow in the western part of Sumatra island. Robusta coffee has some differences with Arabica coffee that has been widely known in the world. Robusta coffee is best coffee will be fruitful and ready to harvest ranged in May until September each year. But there are also coffee robusta in certain regions that do not have the coffee harvest season like any other type or the usual crop of fruit every day that have been colored red.

Coffea canephora is often known as Robusta coffee. Coffea canephora tree height reaches 12 meters and can be planted in areas with lower than arabica coffee. Robusta coffee is typically used as instant coffee or fast food. Robusta coffee has a higher caffeine content, it seems more neutral, as well as a stronger coffee aroma. The content of caffeine in coffee robusta reaches 2.8% and has a chromosome number was 22 chromosomes. Robusta coffee production has reached a third of world coffee production.

Source: Robusta coffee and chenungkopiluwak
READ MORE - Coffee Robusta

Benefits of Coffee

A study of 90,000 Japanese by the National Cancer Center in Tokyo found that people who drank one to four cups of coffee daily had half the liver cancer risk of those who never drank coffee. Researchers aren’t sure why, but they speculate that antioxidants may play a role.
A study by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health that followed more than 125,000 men and women for more than a decade found that regular coffee drinkers had a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 (or late-onset) diabetes. Studies in Sweden and Finland also concluded that coffee consumption offers protection from type 2 diabetes. Again, researchers aren’t sure why.
A half-dozen recent international studies showed a positive relationship between drinking caffeinated beverages — including coffee — and lower rates of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Other research links coffee consumption with reduced risk of cirrhosis of the liver, colon cancer and asthma.
A cup or two of coffee can improve endurance in activities such as running, cycling and swimming, according to other research. Coffee has a strong ergogenic effect, meaning it helps people work harder and longer, explains Lawrence Spriet, an exercise physiologist at the University of Guelph who has researched the effects of caffeine on athletic performance for more than a decade. “Even small amounts of caffeine can be quite powerful,” he says.
Source :
READ MORE - Benefits of Coffee

Civet Coffee / coffee Luwak Not Contain Pesticides

Hello true coffee lovers, if you like to drink coffee in one day more than 2 times then you better start now turn to Civet Coffee because the content of pesticides in the regular coffee in general is very risky for you and can cause cancer, ADHD in children , disorders of the nervous system and weaken the immune system.

Pesticides are often referred to as ''poison'' but for the farmers who use pesticides to prevent damage to the crop due to pests or spoilage. Although a certain amount of pesticide use for crops can still be tolerated by our bodies but it would be much better if as much as possible to avoid pesticides.

But now we do not really worry about the coffee-containing pesticides such as you can still enjoy free coffee with your own. Decent coffee drink and not risk the health and it is "civet coffee". Why? Because pesticides on Luwak coffee has been "cleaned" naturally in animal stomachs often called civet or Luwak.

Luwak Coffee is a type of coffee that comes from coffee cherries that have been fed by animal mongoose (paradoxorus hermaphroditus) and experienced fermentation in the bowels of the animal mongoose. Coffee fruit seeds will not be destroyed in the digestive system of animals such as civet coffee beans in the coffee fruit encased by a hard cuticle and can not be destroyed in the belly of the animal mongoose.

According to Drs. Phaidon L Toruan healthy living expert from Jakarta Anti-aging & Executive Fitness Consultant is in contact on August 21, 2010 by detikHealth Civet Coffee has several advantages other than coffee, especially coffee is cultivated naturally in the stomach of the animal mongoose, net of toxic hazards pesticides. Mongoose is also the most intelligent of animals to choose foods that are going on feeding, automatic coffee comes from the belly of this mongoose is the best coffee.

Still according to Dr. Phaidon is also author of "Fat Loss Not Weight Loss", Fermentation in the stomach of animals mongoose gives the chemical composition changes in coffee beans, coffee taste quality, lower protein levels of automation and higher fat.

The same was conveyed by Dr. Ir Yadi Haryadi, MSc Food Technology IPB Expert (Bandung Institute of Agriculture) and add if not regular coffee Luwak coffee is likely a mixture of coffee that has been cooked with coffee that is still young so that makes the coffee taste any less delicious and reduce the qualit

READ MORE - Civet Coffee / coffee Luwak Not Contain Pesticides