Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pests and Diseases of Coffee Plant

Coffee Plant Pests and Diseases

1. Nematode ParasitesPratylenchus coffeae and Radopholus similis nematodes endoparasit is on the move.P.coffeae life cycle of about 45 days and R.similis about 1 month.

Symptoms:The infected plants appear stunted coffee, mnguning and autumn leaves. The growth of primary branches blocked so that only produce a little flower, flower prematurely and many are empty. Section fibers roots rot, brown or black. In severe attacks the plant eventually dies.

2. Coffee Pod Borer PestsAdult insect borers of fruit or powdered coffee cherries (BBK), Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) brownish-black, the length of the female about 2 mm and a male 1.3 mm. Eggs laid in the coffee fruit whose seeds began to harden, the age of the egg stage 5-9 days. Old-stage larvae 10-26 days, prapupa 2 days and pupal stage 4-9 days. Developmental period from egg to adult 25-35 days. Older female insects live on average 156 days and 103 days maximum male insects.

Symptoms:BBK insects get into the coffee fruit by making a hole around the discs. The attack on the young fruit causes fruit fall, the attack on the fruit which causes the coffee beans are old enough holes defects and low quality.

3. Leaf Rust Disease on Coffee PlantsLeaf rust disease caused by pathogens Hemileia vastatrix B. et. Br. is a major disease in arabica coffee plant.
Diseased plants is characterized by patches of bright yellow on the underside of the leaves, then changed to dark yellow. In this section flour formed bright orange (orange) and powdery mildew are uredospora H. vastatrix. Spotting an old dark brown to black, and dry. The leaves are severely infected plants and then fall and become bald. Plants thus be run out of starch reserves in roots and rantingrantingnya, the plant eventually dies.
In the breeding and spreading, H vastatrix using uredospora the first round, then turned into elongated and shaped like the citrus fruit pie. Uredospora that has been cooked in orange, on the convex side of the outer section has thorns. The spread from tree to tree oredospora occur from impact aid causes uredospora water splashing up on the underside of leaves. Fungal infections occur through the mouths of leaves found on the underside of the leaves sisis. In the process of infection is initially formed uredospora reed sprouts, then form apresorium in front of the mouth of the skin, then hold a mushroom fungus penetration into tissue. Besides the help of water, several other agents that could potentially help spread uredospora is a breeze, species specific trips, birds and humans.
In robusta coffee, the disease is not a problem, while the arabica coffee of this disease becomes a major problem. How to control the disease as is done in two ways, ie plant species that are resistant arabica coffee sepertio S 333, S 288 and S 795, and control with fungicide Dithane M-45 with a dose of 2 g / liter of water.

4. Cercospora Leaf Spot DiseaseThe cause of this disease is a fungus Cercospora coffeicola CKE. Konidium C.coffeicola have shaped mace, resized some short and some are long. Conidia formed on the surface patches, shaped like a powdery gray.

Symptoms:Attacks can occur on leaves or on fruit. In diseased leaf spots arise, at first yellow but yellow spots surrounded by a halo. In the fruit is attacked arising brown spots, usually on the side which receive much more sunlight. Decay in the mottled can get to the seeds so that it can degrade the quality.

5. Fungus diseases UpasUpas fungal disease caused by Corticium salmonicolor fungus Br. C. salmonicolor basidium has arranged parallel to the stage kortisium. Rod-shaped basidium formed at its end which supports basidiospora four sterigmata.

Symptoms:Branches or twigs are attacked by a sudden wilting. Attacks can occur at branch at the bottom, middle or at the end of the tree, it can even occur on the trunk. Stadium cobwebs, a thin layer of hyphae, shaped like a silvery white netting. Stadium excrescence in the form of a white image of hyphae are usually formed in the lenticels or in crevices. Stadium kortisium a pink crust layer, consisting of layers himenium, usually formed on the underside of the branch or branches are somewhat shaded side.Stadium nekator a small pimple is a reddish orange sporodokhia poison mushrooms.Nekator Stadium located on branches that are not protected

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